By Kerry Kirwan

“In the midst of the darkness, a moon appeared with its brilliance.

Stepping down from the clouds, it glanced at me.

Like a skillful falcon that hunts a bird and steals it away, it captured me and flew back to infinite space.

As I looked for myself, I could not find me, for my body had become all soul in the tenderness of love.

The nine spheres of heaven dissolved in that moon as the ship of my existence drowned in the sea of love.”

– Rumi

For your signed copy from Kerry order here

*Only available in Australia 


Kerry Kirwan

Kerry is God-realised, married, a mother of two and a grandmother of three.  She is certified in yoga and meditation and is now an author who is passionate about writing.

Kerry has had numerous businesses throughout her life, the first being a fairy shop in Far North Queensland.

She has also owned natural therapy businesses, conducted workshops and currently has a business with her husband in the hospitality industry.

Kerry lives in Brisbane, Australia.

She loves to travel and participates in and facilitates workshops and retreats in Australia and overseas.

Reader Reviews

Dear Kerry,

You have done a beautiful job of writing this book; I could not put it down. Three words for it, simply the best……….

 Shellie Jenkins.


This literature is not just a story being told, it was written from a high frequency of divine presence. While reading it I tapped into this presence. It opened up a deeper understanding that we are all One. It took me to the inner sanctuary that helped me see my perceptions, my identifications are not the truth. It helped me to take notice of the forgotten language of symbolism, dreams, and intuition. This book has re-I forced my desire to dissolve the veil, to continue the spiritual path.

 E. Allen

More reviews on the review page………..

A sun is one that shines light and offers warmth because that’s what it does without an agenda or expectation.

Kerry is dedicated to serving the divine and open to supporting many on their spiritual journey of awakening.  She is dedicated to those who desire to realise who they are, to ‘Bloom & Burn’ beyond all that is limiting.

It is Kerry’s belief that awakening and realising who we are can be experienced and integrated gradually while doing what we love doing best.

“Everything except love is devoured by love.”

– Rumi

For your signed copy from Kerry order below – $17.95 + Postage

*Only available in Australia

Bloom & Burn is a story of divine grace in action; it’s a personal biography about a seeker on a spiritual quest.  Kerry was determined to know the answer to two very important questions:  Who am I and why am I here?

Kerry reveals how her journey unfolded once she heard the call and accepted her invitation to awaken.  Kerry’s book is about her personal story of suffering, longing, devotion and realisation.  She shares her experiences and the many synchronicities that unfolded within these experiences.

Kerry chose the title Bloom & Burn for her book because it is an analogy that best describes her journey of awakening: both aspects transpired simultaneously.  The story of her journey in its totality is non-linear and all-encompassing.

Bloom & Burn symbolises the entirety of her experience, although it has been encapsulated within a story that contains what appear to be numerous seperate experiences

– Donna Dolan

Upcoming Events

Weekly Group Meditation

Wednesday & Saturday 9 am

Wynnum, Brisbane, Australia

Ph Kerry 0422 819 491 for further details.

Personal Consultations with Kerry.

For those who desire to connect more deeply with who they truly are.

Ph Kerry 0422 819 491

A Contribution or Donation accepted but not a requirement.

Email Kerry: